Sunday, May 17, 2009

Loopy 4 Ewe's Sock Monkeys

I've mentioned before that my Mom was the one who taught me how to knit and crochet. She also attempted to show me how to sew. Something I was never able to master. I wish though!

She also helps me with my Loopy business. She comes up and participates in shows with me which is awesome! She also makes the cutest sock monkeys that we sell at our shows. I just took some pictures for a show that we're applying for. Our first juried show. Gulp. Fingers crossed for this one. But I wanted to show off her work because the monkeys are too cute!
Yay for awesome Moms!

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Plugging away at hats

I have an order of 84 hats to get working on. I'm trying to tie up loose ends and of course get orders that come in out as quickly as I can. May is an extremely busy month in this household so it's a bit of a challenge to get orders out in a timely manner. I usually like to ship within 1-2 days of the order. Lately it's been taking 4-5 days. Not terribly long considering all items are handmade by me, but longer then I like:)

Here are some hats I've recently completed. I few flappers in some colour combos I've done for a different style hat but not for flapper hats.

I'm donating this hat to my friend who is organizing a walk for JDRF. It will go on their raffle table.

And this hat is one that my husband has been telling me to make forever. And I've been wanting to make forever, I just haven't gotten there. But I had a request for one and I've done it. The hat is done, but I'm going to make a clip on flower to add to it. I'll take pictures of the 2 together when the flower is done. The bookends don't do this hat justice. It needs a cute kid in there!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Finally Finished! Ribbon of Hope Afghan

I finished this Afghan a couple of weeks ago, just never had a chance to get the pictures until now. And I had no idea how to take a decent shot of it.

I had intended to make this afghan for a raffle with all proceeds going to the Weekend to End Breast Cancer. Unfortunately my intention was to finish it last August. But that didn't happen. It's finished now and I'm not sure what to do with it. Should I try to sell it? With all proceeds still going to Breast Cancer? It's a large afghan. I haven't measured it but it's certainly big enough to cuddle up with.

I'm just not sure what to do. I'm happy with how it turned out though and happy to move it from the WIP pile to the completed pile.